1) What is your dream (it'll never happen, but it is nice to dream) situation for enjoying a cigar? (place, people, drink, whatever it may be that makes it your favorite)
Smoking a 1994 with Jonathan Toews and the Blackhawk's Stanley Cup.
2) What is your dream situation (it happens occasionally, just waiting for the next time) for enjoying a cigar? (place, people, drink, whatever it may be that makes it your favorite)
Smoking with all my friends from the Asylum on the pier at the Shack.
3) What is your favorite place to enjoy a smoke?
See #2.
4) What is your favorite thing to be doing while enjoying a good cigar?
Sharing the company of other BOTLs and SOTLs.
5) What is your usual pasttime while enjoying a cigar?
Either herfing with Inmates, or surfing the Asylum.
6) What is your usual place to enjoy a smoke?
My basement smoking sty.
7) Name 3 people (living) w/whome you'd like to enjoy a cigar?
Celebrities? Clint Eastwood, Rodolfo Taboada, Jonathan Toews.
8) Name 50 people from CA w/whom you'd like to herf.
Ones that I have yet to meet?....You, Smokey Joe, Triple F, DPD3060, andysutherland, Fishbeadtwo, ggainey, longknocker, massphatness, newcigarz, SvilleKid, taltos, Tecnorobo, LacsiviousXXX, Cort, cherrybomb, BigFrank, and so many more. And of course, every Inmate I have ever herfed with, again.
9) Name 3 people (no longer living) w/whom you'd like to enjoy a smoke.
Ulysses S. Grant, Abraham Lincoln, My Grandfather.
10) If we could get all of CA together for a herf, what would be your idea of a great herf (site, activities, drinks, cigars, etc... be as descriptive as you can)?
The Shack on a warm sunny day, 1994s for everyone, a cornhole tournament, and all the liquor we all wanted to drink.
Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!