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Old 01-31-2010, 05:12 PM   #6
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default Re: My favorite... and some other things

1) What is your dream (it'll never happen, but it is nice to dream) situation for enjoying a cigar? (place, people, drink, whatever it may be that makes it your favorite) Four weeks in Alaska, doing the outdoorsman experience. I seem to recall that there are fish & hunting seasons that kind of overlap. Don't know if I have them all correct, but - fishing for the various salmon & halibut... Hunting caribou, elk, moose, musk ox, polar and/or black bear. And doing so with my grown up sons, while staying at a cabin where the meals are all prepared for us, and it fogs over blue at night from the cigars we are enjoying as we regale one another with the tales of the day.

2) What is your dream situation (it happens occasionally, just waiting for the next time) for enjoying a cigar? (place, people, drink, whatever it may be that makes it your favorite) The Northwoods Wisconsin herf in the backyard with the grill going and whoever shows up. Sipping on some good rum and just enjoying cigars.

3) What is your favorite place to enjoy a smoke? Wherever the fish are biting, and the place we're relaxing afterword with a fine libation.

4) What is your favorite thing to be doing while enjoying a good cigar? Fishing, or relaxing after the day on the water. Or, around the campfire at the end of the day with family (and if around, friends)

5) What is your usual pasttime while enjoying a cigar? Talking with others who enjoy a smoke.

6) What is your usual place to enjoy a smoke? Back yard (in the summer), ice shack (in the winter)

7) Name 3 people (living) w/whom you'd like to enjoy a cigar? Mel Gibson, Chuck Norris, Bill Cosby

8) Name 5 people from CA w/whom you'd like to herf.

9) Name 3 people (no longer living) w/whom you'd like to enjoy a smoke. Ulysses S. Grant, John Wayne, GK Chesterton

10) If we could get all of CA together for a herf, what would be your idea of a great herf (site, activities, drinks, cigars, etc... be as descriptive as you can)? A Cuban hotel near a good number of the factories - with daily tours. Good Cuban food and drink. Some fishing for Cuban largemouth (they get very big there). And plenty of time just sitting around chatting and getting to know everybody.
Have fun with it. I'm cogitating on my answer.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"

Last edited by RevSmoke; 01-31-2010 at 05:13 PM. Reason: forgot to put highlighting on a portion of text.
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