Originally Posted by 0002S
jm2c and not a reflection on anybody's plans or choices.
1. If a situation ever occurred (chances are it won't) one should have already thought out a plan and at the very minimum practiced it in his/her head.
2. One should have at a very minimum fired the weapon with the actual load they would use.
*if this ever really happens you are going to be disoriented, scared and on a adrenalin high.
I set a plan up where the weapon is handy and ready to go (this may not work with children around). I set zones at which point should an intruder come past that line I would react. If the intruder never crosses that line or doesn't threaten me, well....that's what the police and insurance are for.
For me that line is the door frame to the bed room. It is a white frame and easy to see in complete darkness. I have my wife grab a pistol and go into the bathroom (call police) and wait for me. I kneel with the bed as cover with a shotgun.
If somebody comes through the bedroom door (remember white frame), I shoot for center mass of white frame with 00 Buck. I shoot to put the threat completely down. I would not shoot to "wing".
If somebody is attempting to enter the main door and I happen to be able to wake up with time to react, I do the following. Have my wife grab a pistol, go in the bathroom and call police. I get the shotgun, load one round slug followed by 00 buck. I then position myself behind couch with clear shot at door. The slug will go through a metal security door and the 00 buck would take care of anything else.
Access threat and threat level, wash, rinse, repeat and/or wait for Police.
Reality....this will never happen as the odds are greatly in my favor of never being rob/assulted....but I like to know I have a plan.
Word to the wise. Dead people don't sue in civil court.
everybody has a plan until they get hit
Neither do I

I imposed the scenario as a hypothetical with a contingency in the event the shot didn't drop them.
I trust my shot placement enough to be comfortable with birdshot on the first shot. For the record, I'm not talking #7/8, I'm talking #3.
What I don't like the idea of is a lateral shot that I cannot take because of a backdrop. A situation that gives the BG the upper hand and leaves the shotgun in my hand useless unless I maneuver or he moves.
And while I'm completely confident in my shot placement. The probability of putting all 8-12 00 pellots completely on target... lets just say I've taken enough probability in college to know that's a bit of a stretch to assume you'll have maximum hits on target.
Regardless of any of this, if the BG turns tail and runs, good luck winning in court if you shoot him in the back. (This depends on state laws)
And for the record... your plan works unless you have kids. Food for thought.