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Old 01-30-2010, 10:35 AM   #1386
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by JE3146 View Post
Consider the idea of a bad guy (from now on labeled as BG) running through your house with a gun. BG isn't going to stand still. 00 penetrates drywall quite well. If you live with a family or in close proximity to neighbors, it's not advisable to be taking crackshots at a BG when your consistently changing backdrop can leave people in danger considering the penetration of 00. Birdshot is enough to F a person up, but likely not kill them unless you hit them dead center from sub 10 yards with a cylinder choke. Either way, if you wing them, odds are they're going to drop like a brick. In the event they don't and continue to pose a threat. A near stationary and threat imposing target will be easily taken care of with a 00 followup.

That's my philosophy. Critique it as you feel necessary.
Sounds reasonable.

In my particular situation, the prime places for a confrontation are confined, so there would be no lateral movement. If BG is running towards me, 00. If he's running away, no shot and hopefully the cops catch him.
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