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Old 01-29-2010, 06:09 AM   #20
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Default Re: smoking room ventilation

Originally Posted by Hitagain View Post
Depending on how well your house is sealed up, you may need to add make up air if you add a oversized exhaust fan. Use a ERV/ HRV just drawing air from the smoking room and returning air to the Return air of the HVAC system. This would exhaust the smoke filled air to the outside and replace the air with fresh air coming in and most ERV /HRVs will recover about 70% of your Heating/ cooling costs. I would think you would need to filter the exhaust air entering the ERV/ HRV to protect the heat exchanger. Just an idea....
I think the lesson here is that I should consult an HVAC specialist, because as I know what you are talking about, I am entirely incapable of doing this on my own! Thanks.

Originally Posted by jledou View Post
From my experience the Csonka will not prevent the smoke from going to other areas of the house, but they do a very good job of cleanning the smell out of the room/house it just may not catch up completely until 30 minutes to 1 hour after you are done.
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That's what I thought. I'll probably pick something like it up if and when I get around to resolving the sealing/ventilation issue.
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