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Old 01-28-2010, 10:10 PM   #8
Nicotiana Tabacum
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Default Re: I'm going to buy a house, I could use some help!

1). When shopping for rates, be realistic about closing costs. It's expensive and don't fall for the GFE that gives you some lowball number. Because on the day of closing, you can bet it won't be what the GFE said.

2). Be up front with your brokers/lenders. I was getting quotes until the last minute and went with the one that had a good rate and I felt good about. I didn't experience anything 'binding', but I would just say don't sign anything until you're ready.

3). Use brokers (who shop around for you, but take a commission) and traditional lenders (include both online and local banks)

4). There's so much that goes into an offer. Since you are a buyer, get a realtor (it's free for buyers), and ask them to give you a neighborhood analysis. See what other homes in the neighborhood have listed and ultimately sold for and how long they were on the market.

I would also say don't get too attached to any particular home. Realtors/Lenders/Sellers will eat you up if you bring too much emotion into the process. Be ready to walk away if the numbers don't work or something is not right. There's always another house. Good luck.
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