Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak
I'm not exactly sure on all the ridiculous laws NY has so I am thinking it will be easier just to buy the exact gun I want in Texas and not have to worry about anything. If I bought an AR-15 out of state and someday moved back home with my parents in NY would my gun be illegal to own?
Do yourself a huge favor and please research gun laws for your state.
A HUGE favor.
First off. You can't directly purchase a gun out of state. It has to be purchased, then mailed to an FFL dealer. THEN you go to the FFL and pickup the rifle after your state required background check is completed. Obviously if you buy it in state, it's from an FFL. (The requirement for in state sales are that you are a resident of that state)
The exception is person to person transfers which are not legal in all states, but are only allowed when a resident of a state sells to another resident of that state, within the boundary of that state.
In the case of the AR-15 and NY, it cannot happen if it is either A) Not post-ban compliant (IE compliant to the terms of the 1994 AWB) or B) a pre-ban (IE, a receiver that was registered prior to 1994)
I realize this isn't a gun forum, but please do some research before purchasing an AR-15.