Originally Posted by germantown rob
Your taste buds will.
You now have the equipment to brew at the proper temp and grind great beans that will let you know why so many get into coffee as deep as they do.
Pm me your addy when the equipment arrives and I will send you some fresh roast to brew.
I'll do that Rob, thanks for the offer.
Originally Posted by floydpink
Awesome! Try out CCM Coffee in Tampa for beans, they are great and close to you, as long as you start roasting soon.
Until then, put me on this list of people who would be thrilled to send you some home roast to try.
Great bunch of fellas in the coffee forum with all kinds of ideas to part you from your paycheck.
Will do, thanks bro.
Originally Posted by Mister Moo
Time to visit Mazzaros roasterie in St.P for fresh roasted coffee; you gonna love it with the new grinder and brewer!
Most all of the coffee I drink comes from Mazzaro's. Awesome, awesome place for a whole lot more than just coffee.
Originally Posted by floydpink
Also, if you plan on taking it to the next level, these are great for around the house to show your commitment to an excellent cup..

I've definitley got to have those.