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Old 01-25-2010, 07:18 PM   #930
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Default Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Great to hear you will hit the ice again Christos!

The reason only 4 teams have "losing" records is the shootout era. Instead of the old days when teams played 65 minutes and each got a point if they were tied, now the shootout guarantees a 3 point total, 2 for the winner and 1 for the "loser". I, for one, am not a fan and wish they would go back to the old way...but it sells tickets to the casual fan, so Bettman ain't gonna ditch it.
I don't think they need to go back to the old way. Just change the point structure so that playing for the loser point isn't as appealing.

By the way Tom............I think I might need a Chicago Jersey for the playoffs