Finally getting some real traction on the Review section of the app. Here are a couple of teaser screenshots:
First, the individual record for a review. Note the middle icon on the bottom of the screen; there will be a whole section where you can view, sort, and search for your reviews. There is more text, and other fields further down on the screen when scrolling...
Next, the screen for setting the ratings for Appearance, Construction, Burn, Flavor and Overall. Just a quick tap or slide on each row will set the ratings and fill in the stars...
Last, the familiar text box for notes will now link back to the detailed reviews instead of being hidden in the My Cigars section. This will make it much easier to find all of your reviews, and read through the details...
Lots more to come, but thought I'd get some early feedback ... for example, are those the right categories to set the rating values?
My plan is to initially release an update that allows you to save your own reviews, and email them. A follow-on release will link to to share reviews from the app, and download others' reviews as well. Hopefully, it will grow into a good reference source for choosing your cigars while shopping at the brick and morter or online stores

Feedback appreciated....