nobody answered this one?
the difference between the two is the amount of each ingredient.
Oriental #14 has more Orientals "
deeply seasoned with Orientals", it's a dark blend because latakia is dark, and the base is black virginias;
Margate has "
choice orientals" (to me, lightly seasoned) and "
generous quantities of premium Cyprian Latakia".
it comes down to the amount of each ingredient. if you were to call up Cornell and Diehl to design your own blend, they'd give you a list of ingredients and tell you to add them in 1/16th amounts at a time. so, 7/16ths bright VA, 3/16ths dark VA, 3/16ths Perique, and 3/16ths burley... that would be a Va/per/bur.

so an english would have more 16th latakia, and the oriental would have more... orientals, maybe with zero latakia. both with a VA base.
balkans, on the other hand, like Penzance, which is probably the only latakia heavy blend i'd want to smoke if i had to smoke one for the rest of my days... if i recall, and my be wrong, they are high in both latakia and orientals, hardly any VAs (that i've noticed). again, could be wrong on this one, don't research it much since it's not my bag.
btw - how's it coming with the pipe? got any new favorites?