Did I post this yet? Hmmm
Lots of hints and such regarding season 6. These are not necessarily spoilers, but hints and things to look forward to. However, if you don't want to know stop reading now.
Comic Con is a conference that showcases sci fi, comics, fantasy-genre games, tv, movies, and books. The LOST producers were there to answer questions and show some videos.
Points of interest:
1. Season six of will be reminiscent of season one in that there will be a lot of running through the jungle and emotional development for the characters.
2. Faraday WILL appear in season 6.
3. They also mention that Season 6 won't have time travel or flash forwards, but "something different."
4. The marketing graphic for season 6 included all our favorite characters (even some dead ones!) but the important thing is that the last character added to the animation was Locke, and he was very obviously facing backwards, while all the other characters were facing forward. Creepy! (see attached poster)
5. They confirm that Richard Alpert will be finally getting his flashback in the final season. And Richard himself, actor Nestor Carbonell, is there on video, looking at himself in the mirror backstage. "Richard Alpert isn't ageless. YOU are," he says to himself. He then throws a fit over being handed the wrong eyeliner. So funny!
6. Juliet will appear, in some fashion, in season 6 and her survival is contingent upon Jack's plan working (bomb exploding).
7. The mystery of the food pallet drops will be uncovered in season 6.
8. The show's producers say that Jacob always looks like Jacob. By this, they mean that we won't learn later that people that have come in and out of the lives of our characters was in fact Jacob in disguise.
9. According to Josh Holloway in the press room, Sawyer will be destroyed by the tragedy of Juliet, pushing him back towards his original, more "salty" character. He'll still carry around season five's character growth, but he'll be rejecting it.
10. We learn that Libby's last name was Smith (Elizabeth Smith).
11. Three videos are shown:
1. An Oceanic Airlines video which says that the airline has had a perfect safety record since 1979.
2. A Mr. Cluck's Chicken commercial where Hurley is announced as the owner and CEO and says that ever since he won the lottery he's had nothing but good luck.
3. An "America's Most Wanted" clip that shows Kate as a fugitive who meant to kill her stepfather but accidentally killed the wrong man.
4. All three hinted that Season 6 will see some form of alternate time line. It doesn't literally mean that these things happen in the future, but the show now wants us to start thinking about the fact that Jack, with a major assist from Juliet, actually pulled off his plan.
12. Jorge Garcia (Hurley) is in the audience and notes that the videos just shown heavily hint that the previous five seasons will be wiped away if Jack was successful. He calls such a move a "cheat." The producers ask that he trust them, to which Jorge delivers the line: "Last time I trusted you guys, you said Nikki and Paulo were going to be awesome."
13. Lastly, Dominic Monaghan (Charlie Pace) crashes the stage. Onlookers noted the words, "Am I alive?" written on his hand as he waves to the audience.