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Old 01-21-2010, 10:54 AM   #20
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Default Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by Footbag View Post
You may be able to politely call the officer and explain your situation. Let him know you aren't malicious and it truly was an accident. If the signs weren't properly marked, you may have a chance in court, but it would be much easier if the officer would be willing to make some sort of concession.

Remember to be extremely polite, you are asking him for a big favor and he holds all of the cards. You can suggest that you don't mind the fine, but don't want the points. Or the other way around if it helps.
thanks this is helpful, I will definitely try to reach out to the officer sometime soon, and kevin i will have to look into a gainesville traffic attorney before the end of the month
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