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Old 01-20-2010, 03:39 PM   #123
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Default Re: Cigars On Cruise

Originally Posted by Vigiles View Post
Interesting. The easiest thing might be to find 2-3 folks that are interested and pick a cruise and date, then say alright, this is the days/week of the cruise, this is where its going, contact your local *insert travel agent, cruise line, medicine man* and we will see you there for the CA herf at sea 2010. (or whenever)

Judging by this thread we have enough people interested in going on cruises that we could eventually get a good base of people going.
I hear you and the disconnect comes when the actual roll call starts. Some do not like the CruiseLine or Ship,,or the itinerary or the cost. There have always been people who want to do this right up until the real planning starts. I'm pretty easy as I have gone on just about every cruise line there is and all I care about is decent food and being able to smoke my cigars. You lead and I'll follow.

Originally Posted by MikeyC View Post
You wouldn't catch me DEAD on a Disney ship.

1. Too many kids on board
2. No casinos on their boats
I'm not a big Disney advocate myself because they are one of the most expensive ones out there. There are a lot of other cruise lines out there that have some great deals.

Maybe what we can do is start a thread to see how many people are even interested in this and then start from there. The Time,,,the Cruiseline,,,how long,,,and where to cruise.
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