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Old 01-20-2010, 10:04 AM   #19
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Default Re: When do you own a box?

Originally Posted by Addiction View Post
If you sold 21 cigars as a box, and that box of cigars started with 25, you would get flamed over it. So clearly less than the full compliment isn't a box.
For the sake of transactions.

To my own personal stock keeping:
If it's only missing 3 or fewer, it's still a box.
If it's short a 5er or more, then it's most of a box.
Obviously, if approximately half the original number remain, it's half a box.
If there's less than 1/3 of the original number, I have none... and an excuse to go shopping.

Here's the brainbender: If I have two boxes of the same cigar (both date & factory stamps are identical), does combining two partial boxes mean I once again have a box?
A lost SOTL wandering the weird landscape of domesticity.
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