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Old 01-16-2010, 11:42 AM   #1
Adjusting to the Life
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Default Aristocrat set and forget

So my soon to be wife got me an Aristocrat mini-TALL for x-mas near the middle of Dec. (I really love her)

I've have it up and running over a month now and have it set to 65 for the humidity. (no temp on this model)

It will run up and get to 65. Then, it will wait until it gets to 59% humidity to turn back on. Then the process starts over. My question is, can I shorten the time between it peaking and when the humidification device cuts on?

Secondly, it reads 65 but I also have another digital and an analog humidity guage in there with it. Both the digital and analog gauges read 10% higher than the set and forget. What is up with that?

Thanks in advance for any info you can provide.
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