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Old 01-15-2010, 08:49 AM   #20
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Default Re: I come seeking advice

Originally Posted by pnoon View Post
Would this be a contractual obligation on your part? If so, then the current owner would be bound to wait until 3 years to sell. 3 years should be ample time for you to assess the fit. Also, your desire to "do the owner no wrong" is admirable, you must look out for yourself first. I have a feeling he would do the same.

Originally Posted by mash View Post
Exactly what I was going to write. A llfe time is a long time, and buying this pharmacy is a huge commitment. You need to see how you like it, and how you like living in a small town. Lifestyle is very important, the older you get, the more you appreciate it. If there is something in the contract that deals with you buying the business, make sure you get a contract lawyer to review it, so that you know what it potentially binds you to.
Also, 3 years will give you a sense of the effect CVS is going to have on the business. An owner who is looking to sell is not going to tell you that scripts are going to go down. Maybe he's right, maybe he's not. He's 42 and he's looking to sell, there's a reason for that.

This I don't know, we haven't gotten that far into negotiations. I have been extended the offer, but as far as details, those haven't been covered in any specificity.
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