Re: I come seeking advice
Wow, lot of good answers. One thing I keep seeing you alude to is the long hours you would put in as the owner of the pharmacy. Make no mistake you will put in at least the same in the military. I was Navy and I would say 60 hours a week was the norm not the exception. As one man once told me, you will never get rich fiscally in the service, but may be enrichened by serving. Working for your self is where real money is made.
I don't feel any feel desire from you to own a business, not sure why, just not coming accross. So if you not inclined to own/run a business might not be a great idea. One other option to consider, work the civilian life for a 2 - 3 years, take on a second pharmacist as it sounds like 2 are needed in that store anyway and join the AF/Navy reserves/guard. Even in the rual area where I live the mom and pos have still withstood the big boxes coming in. CVS has survived as well as Wally World, Walgreens has closed. Still 2 or 3 local owned as well. I hate Wally World so I try to spend my $$$$ elsewhere when I can.
Good luck in your choice.
Curing the infection... One bullet at a time.