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Old 01-15-2010, 08:12 AM   #14
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Default Re: I come seeking advice

Thank you everyone who has replied.

Allow me to clear up a couple things:

As for the AF, I have been solely in contact with a health profession (officer) recruiter, so I've been made away of all the incentive pay etc. (it's 20K for pharmacists).
AF Pharmacy does NOT generally deploy pharmacists, there's about a 99% chance that I would serve my time at whatever duty station I'm at, so it is highly unlikely that I would be separated from my wife for long periods of time. But I do appreciate the concerns over this.

As for the pharmacy - unfortunately the situation is not 'try for 2-5 years and decide if I want to buy in', it's basically, up front, I need to agree to begin buying in after about 3-5 years. Certainly if I truly hated it I could likely get out of it, but I don't want to do the owner wrong, and set him back several years with no backup plan. So really it's a 20-30 commitment up front on that.

Both are great opportunities, the pharmacy offers more money but many more hours of work as well, the air force offers the satisfaction of service to country, good enough pay and great benefits (which really can't be understated).

With that, I will await more opinions, I really appreciate all you guys have said so far, thanks!
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