Originally Posted by baldanders
The independently owned pharmacy may look good now but all it takes is any one of the big chains to open up near to it and there goes a big chunk of your business. Like all the big chains they come in to town set their prices lower then you can match or when your lease is up they offer the landlord more then you can match for your space.
actually, the owner owns the buildings and the land outright, so that isn't a concern really. And CVS is about to come to the town, but they're buying out the other independent, which the owner of "my" pharmacy says will boost scripts by ~30%. The main financial concern with the independent would be if government meddling ruins reimbursements even more, etc.
and to Bao, my wife is on board with whatever I do. From talking to current active duty pharmacists, it is highly unlikely that I would be deployed (apparently there's a volunteer list a mile long) and she doesn't mind the moving aspect.
thanks for the responses, these are all things I'll either know or figure out that I need to find out.