I have/had 2. I've got the UV flames on my left forearm, and I've still got "Fidelitas" on my right wrist, but as it's my saluting arm, I was instructed to get it removed if I ever wanted a future with the Marines. It sucks, as I'm quite attached (Haha, punny). My mom agreed to get it for me 2 Christmases ago, and she even went with me, and watched (I was so proud of her) so I really like it. I've still got the original sketch from when I drew it up, so I'll probably have it re-done somewhere else. Anyways, here's the tattoos.
Lights on

Lights off, UV on.
And here's the one in the process of removal. It's been about a week since my first of 5-6 sessions.
Immediately after (Phone pic)
2 days ago
And right now it looks just like that, but sans blisters.