Originally Posted by KDKLOSS
I honestly feel for you.
Over the summer I had an Oliva Series V Torpedo that I was going to enjoy at work. It was raining so I raised up the overhead door in one of our big bays for some ventilation and pulled up a chair. Next I lit the smoke with my torch and settled down for a much needed break when I felt something tickle my neck. I ignored it thinking I was just being jumpy (after all soldiers are a jumpy bunch) but then it was there again. I brushed at my neck and much to my surprise it was a bee. The damn thing stung me twice before I finally got the best of him. During my wrestling match with MR. Bee (who apparently wanted my stogie more than I did) I launched the cigar into a puddle that had formed dripping off the bay door. A one in a million shot. I was more PO'd about the loss of the cigar than I was about the welt and my sore neck that I had for three days. 
Rough Break, Literally. You should sue the bee for damages and assault.