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Old 01-12-2010, 02:51 PM   #60
Down the stretch
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Default Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......

So much to say.....

If and when A-Rod is approaching and breaking Bond's career HR record, there will be a lot of disgust toward A-Rod. The reason there is so much disgust towards McGuire & Sosa is baseball marketed and people bought into the home run chase that year "bringing us back to baseball". It worked, we're back and a lot of people now feel they were duped. Rightfully so.

As for the question
Originally Posted by andysutherland View Post
How does steroids truly give someone a competitive edge over others? Everyone has a choice whether to take them or not.
You're kidding, right? Of course steroids gives the user a competitive advantage over the non-user. Not everyone "has a choice" because not everyone is morally wired the same. To suggest that the non-user had a choice to use them is silly to me. Morally, they had no choice. (I hope that makes sense! )

As for McGuire's admission, it was CRAP. He's trying to sell a BS story that the roids didn't help him become a better hitter, it just helped him heal faster. He can't possibly believe that. He went from 1 HR every 14 AB to 1 HR every 7 AB, not because of steroids, but because of a shortened swing and better discipline. Who does he think he is fooling? The outcry, IMHO, wouldn't be as severe had he not tried to sell that BS
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