Originally Posted by Whynot
It was a big fat lie made possible by many people willing to turn a blind eye. Did everyone really believe that "juiced" baseballs were the cause of the offensive explosion, or were we just happy to bury our heads in the sand? Does that make it right, no. But it certainly does not put a baseball player on par with a murderer. And I think baseballs darkest era's probably involved rampant racsism and widespread abuse of alcohol and cocaine.
I agree many knew, including baseball, and turned an eye.
Disagree with the darkest era. I think steroids takes the cake by a long shot.
The murderer analogy is not what you took it as.
It was to illustrate that "omission" does not make it right because "he never lied" as some have said or because he was advised by a first year law student as you have said.
In other words, because you didn't answer the questions forthright, therefore you didn't lie? That is BS and analogous to a murderer not admitting to a murder by never answer the question, "did you do it"?. So now he is "manning" up because he finally admits to it.