Re: McGwire Admits to Steroids......
Originally Posted by Blueface
Yankees fan here that doesn't give A-Rod a free pass at all.
I think all these idiots should have all their records wiped clean.
They played dirty, lose your records. That goes for A-Rod's home runs, hits, etc.
He plays clean now, count that only. Give him props for what he does NOW, such as in this year's WS.
As such, I have no respect for McGwire. While the '98 season was exciting, it turned out to be a big fat lie. Give Marris his record back.
I don't see McGwire "manning" up as all say. The only reason he is doing this now is to benefit his wallet with his new job. If he was really "manning" up, he would have done it long ago, in spite of pending charges. Screw all these cheaters. Any of them. Some say he didn't lie as he never answered the questions so therefore that is OK? If a murderer doesn't admit to it therefore not lying, is omission an excuse to justify it? McGwire can now officially take his place in baseball's darkest era.
It was a big fat lie made possible by many people willing to turn a blind eye. Did everyone really believe that "juiced" baseballs were the cause of the offensive explosion, or were we just happy to bury our heads in the sand? Does that make it right, no. But it certainly does not put a baseball player on par with a murderer. And I think baseballs darkest era's probably involved rampant racsism and widespread abuse of alcohol and cocaine.
"My time coming, any day, don't worry bout me, no. Been so long I felt this way, ain't in no hurry, no"