Re: SEC fans, why?
I am sorry, I was doing something else. I know you ALL wanted to hear MY take on this LOL.
I also disagree with the OP, chanting SEC, SEC, SEC is like chanting USA,USA,USA at
the Olympics. When LSU ends up out of it, I can still watch football cause someone in the SEC
is still in it. I like the style of football that you get down here. But I HATE FLORIDA, everyone knows it,
and in the first quarter of the Sugar Bowl, when the back in the backfield makes this jerking motion, and
NO FLAG is thrown, and they gain 11 yards or something, I turned it off, cause it was just more of the
same crap that I got in trouble over during the season. I like Alabama, have since I was a kid, but I am an LSU
fan. So I watched the first half of the Champ game, but grew tired of "four plays and a commercial". and with
McCoy out, there was no drama left. But I live in Tennessee and hate UT, I think Vandy is boring, Georgia I always had alot of respect for and could watch, but something ruined it for me here. Auburn I can watch, I like Arkansas,
but UK bores me, as does USC. But when the SEC beats a team out of conference, I still have pride
in their SEC-ness. This is why I was surprised they got their a$$ handed to em so much this year. Really surprised.
As for "hating Florida" I still admire and respect their fans here, and alot of it has to do with the fact that
they come into Baton Rouge and take a severe heckling, and some would claim a shower of beer or beer
bottles, but they still have fun...and they SAY they had fun. That may be a LA thing, but like Power said
we respect each other...except for Vandy, lol.
Last edited by OLS; 01-11-2010 at 07:29 AM.