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Old 01-11-2010, 07:08 AM   #31
Suck It
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Default Re: Pete Carroll headed to the NFL?

Take advantage of the hindsight by which U of Memphis fans see nowadays.
Everyone was shocked as to why John Calipari would take a job at UK.
He had the best draft class of his career in hand, he had said he loved it here
and never wanted to leave, even using those exact words to put the screws to the school in
his last contract negotiations, just 9 months prior, and he was going to take the school to the
NCAA championship.

But he was LEAVING?
Of course he was leaving, because there was no reason to stay on a sinking ship, a ship that he himself
had sunk. And SOMEHOW, he was being allowed to take the entire class to UK with him. Neato.
As fans in the Memphis area, our sports radio DJs ponder weekly why Derek Rose was cleared
by the NCAA to play, and suddenly UM was being sanctioned because he was NOT eligible to play? And all
the while, the Reggie Bush accusations just hang out there in space and never stick to anything, and there
are other issues on top of that. And now it is the basketball team if I understand it correctly. Pete Carroll is
getting out while the getting is good, and it sounds like the getting is REALLY good.
When the other shoe finally drops, and it will, this move will maker perfect sense to everyone. I don't think
that Pete Carroll is half the snake that Calipari is, how COULD he be. But there is no reason to stay at USC
for him. He has done it all and is somehow in decline. Time to go no matter who has gotten USC in trouble.

Last edited by OLS; 01-11-2010 at 07:13 AM.
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