Originally Posted by s15driftking
Man, I want to bite into this like an 18 ounce New York Strip steak.
I will digress and keep my aggression to a minimum.
The "what I would say to Pete Johnson and the owner of New Havana Cigars (local to me)" if I ever had their attention ....after the drac incident.
You want honest feedback?
I'll give it to you if you really want it. Man to Man. Not in public.
Seriously? Wow man, you talk as if the man killed your grandma or something.
Originally Posted by SkinsFanLarry
I thought Pete was offering to meet you in-person when he was in Columbus.
Just me, but I know I would prefer to talk with him face-to-face if the opportunity presented itself.
Internet talk is way different then face to face.

You get to talk trash and put a person down personally on the internet.
I'm glad that the rest of the comments made by Bobby were deleted or edited in this thread, talking all kind of trash.
Good to see some real class where the owner of a company wants to meet in person to take care of the issues.