Re: SEC fans, why?
I was born in PA then raised in Raleigh and Pittsburgh and after high school moved back to the south for 10 years now and I'll tell you the SEC is a institution here(SC). Theres a big clemson USC rivalry here but even Clemson fans will admit the SEC is the best conference. Like people said above its a southern pride thing and the SEC is the cream of the crop conference of the south. You have to figure also that until recently there were not many NFL teams in the south so college football is king down here and for some reason college baseball is brodcast on local radio. And sorry but alot of people born and raised in SC think anybody north of SC is a yankee which I think is funny. And I bet they would think its funny someone from DC thinks their a southerner. To get into the southern pride thing I attended high school in Pittsburgh and College in the south and the American history lesson for the civil war and are very different between the two (as for reasons fought.