Had a DFH Olde School Barleywine while watching Inglorious Basterds Friday night:
I love "big-beers," so I really enjoyed this one. It's brewed with dates & figs, which gave it a pleasant flavor and sweetness that complemented the malt and went well with the hop bitterness. At 15% ABV, I'm sure it will age just fine, too.

The label says:
Directions: Open bottle, pour contents into two snifters. Enjoy. OR: walk hand-in-neck into the middle of the woods. Use a shovel to dig a 2x2 hole three feet deep. Seal the bottle in a plastic bag. Place in hole & pack with dirt. Memorize location & leave. Return exactly one year later. Dig up bottle, open & enjoy.
Those guys up in Delaware are a bit off... but they make interesting beer!