Re: New Tatuaje symbol
Originally Posted by Tatuaje
I want to thank everyone for all the feedback. Just an FYI, the above posts are not from me nor anyone from my company.
Yes the logo, I actually paid a veteran designer for Disney to do the logo. The logo is not for Tatuaje. Tatuaje already has two logos. The classic Tatuaje logo with the tobacco leaf/fleur design found on the cabinet boxes and the Tatuaje with the sideways fleurs on each side. Those are the logos and they will alway be. The logo you are seeing is just a company umbrella logo. All the brands will fall under this logo. You will see it somewhere on the packaging for all the brands to let people know we make that product.
I had always just used the Fleur as a company symbol but it's not like that fleur was anything unique. Every company uses a fleur and the one I used was simple enough to where everyone got used to it and associated my brands with it but a fleur is not unique.
Again this is just a company umbrella logo that will tie all the brands together. I am always willing to look at submissions but I am not looking to a logo for Tatuaje. It already has two.
Also, I am far from being any type of rockstar. I'm just happy to be doing something I love.
Thanks again for the honest feedback, I do give a damn what you guys think and hope to hear more from you. Hopefully better next time.
Does that mean you don't have to change the old brown bands?
"Eventually, however, every ash must drop. And the drop usually is as sudden as it is final."