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Old 01-09-2010, 12:23 PM   #1
Mr Edmundo
Still Watching My Back
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Default Thank you my American BOTLs

In the spirit of the season that just passed, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks (or maybe curses) to all of my American BOTL's (haven't yet traded with any SOTLs) for going the extra mile and trading with me and my Canadian BOTLs. From what I understand, there is some added hassel in shipping to Canada, since you have to actually go to the post office to ship internationally. Not as easy as having the package picked up at your door. Although I can understand why many would not want to do this, it makes me appreciate the ones who do that much more.

Between two forums, 22 trades, only one bad experience (I guess there's one in every bunch), and has allowed me to be able to sample so many cigars I would not have had the chance to.

It's helped immensely in my slide down the slope.

Thanks (I think)
Tobacco and alcohol, delicious fathers of abiding friendships and fertile reveries. ~Luis Buñuel
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