Thread: SEC fans, why?
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Old 01-08-2010, 10:48 PM   #44
Knowhutimean, Vern?
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Default Re: SEC fans, why?

Ahhhh, it's only a game. Everyone relax and enjoy some "Southern hospitality"! I'm not a fan of the SEC, but it's all in good fun. It seems as if the NFL and MLB (my two passions) aren't near as emotional as NCAA rivalries... I just can't get into college sports since I was in middle school. I was a MAJOR DUKE fan when they Three-peated back in the early nineties, but I had a reason to root for them back then. I could care less about any college team nowadays. (My college just started their football program last year and are Division II, which no one gives a flying fugg about). Go UNCP!!!

University of North Carolina at Pembroke Braves!!!!!!

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