I'll give you a take, but like others have said, you won't understand. And to borrow from you, flame suit on here as well...
First of all, I don't root for everyone in the SEC as there are bitter rivalries that have existed since long before my birth. Many teams in the SEC--I couldn't care less if they lost every game, but I do respect their programs and what they do and have accomplished. And when so many of those teams consistently do well it makes us all look good. And we are good. We're the best. Insert old saying--to be the best you have to beat the best.
That being said, this question generally comes from fans whose teams and conferences blow. How could you, as a fan of a team that blows, in a conference whose teams blow, be proud of that conference? You can't. And that's why this question even comes up. Jealousy and reality.
And to say there is no Southern Pride invloved would simply be a falsehood. Southerners, stereotypically and wrongly, get looked down upon by the rest of the country. You can argue that all you want but it's true and you know it. You WILL NOT look down upon us for our college football. And we will let you know that.
Why aren't we proud of ALL Southern schools? Hell, we just let Vandy hang around because somebody in the bunch needs some brains.
I'm gonna stop here... and I almost deleted this whole post. I could write a dissertation on it, but like has been said before, you wouldn't understand.