I'm not sure why we root for our conference, but I do the same thing with the Big 12! I pull for every team in the big 12 to do well in bowl games except for Oklahoma... they can kiss my A$$!!

I absolutely HATE that snake of a coach over at OU... if he wasn't there I might root for them more since I was born there...

Why I went to Texas instead of being a Sooner fan idk...
Originally Posted by icehog3
Alabama beat my team, Florida. If Texas beats Alabama, my friends who are Texas fans start hypothesizing that Texas would have beat Florida. Maybe it makes no sense to some, but that's how I think.
Makes perfect sense to me Tom and that's exactly how I think most conference people see it as well... if Texas beats Bama, then we can say that Texas "would" have beat the Gators, etc... I have lots of friends who are Big 12 fans (living in Buffs country and close to the Huskers) and its a good rivalry, but when it comes to bowl games we all band together.
Another way to look at it is like this, if the Big 12 wins more, we get more air time on the Networks and more money coming into the conference. With more money comes more coaches to recruit which should improve the players in the conference and make it more prestigious. In short, whats good for the conference benefits the teams in that conference!
Hook 'em!!