Leave it to you to post this Mike

I have been watching ESPN all day freaking out. Pete is a God to us SC fans. I'm not gonna lie, if he leaves I will cry for weeks.
Life will go on and I wish him the best but it will be a big hit to our program. Not only on the field now but it will really hurt our recruiting. Pete could go anywhere in the country and get the best players.
We have to go through this every year it seems but this time it looks pretty serious. If the Seahawks give him full control of operations he will be gone. The only good thing is he wants to take the OC Bates with him. He did a decent job but he was way too conservative for me. Granted he had a freshman QB this year but you can't throw twenty one yard passes a game.
My fingers are crossed but I have a plethora of beer handy just incase (insert nervous smiley)