Originally Posted by rizzle
I understand your point Peter, and with me it certainly isn't "all about Southern Pride". But mainly within the SEC, the members are the flagship universities of their respective states and their red-headed step-brothers.
Florida State was a girls school actually invited to join the SEC at the last expansion. But then again, Auburn, still is a girls school. 
Geogia Tech used to be in the SEC but left, as did Tulane and Sewanee.
Miami deserves to be flattened like the Orange Bowl was.
I'll pull for a lot of other Southern schools in neutral games if I have to pick a side.
I guess it just comes down to "either you're with us, or you're against us". Or something. And again, you're not going to understand so go have a smoke instead and leave us to our crazy idiosyncracies.

Ah, but I do. That is an explanation I understand.
Originally Posted by Tombstone
I guess you are baiting me for an argument....The SEC is the best conference in the south. It is comprised of the best teams, athletes, and coaches. It is for this reason that I support the SEC. It is a conglomerate of the best the south east has to offer. BTW I wouldn't expect anyone from California to understand southern pride.
I'm not baiting you for an argument.
As for your last statement, that is based on ignorance. While I live in California, I am not
from California. Where someone is from does not preclude their ability to understand something. And I certainly wouldn't generalize that, as a southerner, you wouldn't understand that.