Beauty is in the eye of the tool holder.
I have had not great experience with DeWalt but I cannot kill my Milwaukee tools and trust me I have tried. (CutsAll, Hammer Drill, Planer, Two other cordless drills)
As for a compressor I have only one recommendation - do not get an oil less compressor - this comes directly from the man I respect most when it comes to tools and fixing things and that is my uncle who is (retired) a heavy duty diesel mechanic. He made that one recomendation and I listened, I have a great Campbell Hauser that only has a smallish tank but powers my brad nailer, my finishing nailer, my air grinders, air ratchet, impact wrench, hardwood floor nailer, and even a framing nailer that I rented. So unless you are going to tax it heavily a 100 gal air container takes up unneeded room.
On the miter saw I have a 10 inch Milwaukee that has cut thousands of board feet of lumber from everything from rough carpentry, molding, PVC, HD Fiber Board. If it had been available I would have got the 12" Milwaukee. The miter saw is the workhorse of my tools and I never do any jobs without it. I have had friends laugh at me when I show up to help when I bring my own saw but soon the Milwaukee is the only saw running.
Just my

like I said first it is all in the eye of the tool holder.