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Old 01-06-2010, 05:02 PM   #19
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Default Re: Cigars in the Bahamas

I've been to Nassau at least 3 times this year and was there last Oct. Don't fall for any "cuban cigars ploy" on Bay St. If they see you walking around with a cigar in your mouth or just having a cigar in your hand will bring all of the "salesmen" out like flies on shyte. They even go so far as to bring out a real box of Cubans with fake cigars in it to lure you in. I talked with one guy and I said I wouldnt buy any because they are fake and he told me that he'd let me try one first. I said, "Sure thing" and he gave me one. I lit it up and started smoking it right there and within a minute I knew it was junk and told him so. He started to get upset because he said he 'trusted' me to try one of his best Cuban cigars. I knew then he was setting me up and started to get pissed and told him that if he wanted to sell me 'real' Cuban cigars don't f'n give me a POS cigar that we both know is fake. I dropped put the cigar on the table and told him he could have it back and I walked off. My advice is don't even enter into a discussion about anything cigars,,,just say you are not interested, period.

On a side note, Graycliff is a nice way to kill some time and watch skilled rollers. I've been there half a dozen times over the years. Atlantis has some CC's but your wallet will take a beating so a word to the wise. The smart ones bring their own cigars with them.
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