Re: burn line
Originally Posted by weak_link
How big of a deal is the burn line to you? I've read on some review sites and other forums where guys get really bent out of shape if their cigar doesn't have an even burn line. I read one review of a Tat Red Tubo where the guy enjoyed the flavor but the burn line was bad so he really slammed the cigar.
I personally don't mind touching up a cigar if the flavor is great. In fact, I'd happily touch up a cigar a couple times if the flavor was what I enjoy in a smoke.
How about you? Do you care?
I've found generally that a wonky burn line is usually a humidity/storage problem rather than a construction problem, so I have a hard time knocking a cigar for an issue I probably created in the first place. A little waviness and an occassional touch up doesn't bother me as long as the flavor is on. Only if the burn is really out of control because of obvious fabrication flaws and it's affecting my enjoyment such that l I need to pitch the cigar will I say it had a 'bad burn.'
"Eventually, however, every ash must drop. And the drop usually is as sudden as it is final."