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Old 01-05-2010, 08:09 PM   #115
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Default Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by spectrrr View Post
In a nutshell, it comes down to Mac vs PC.
It's the EXACT same development problems for the phones as it is for the computers.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Apple makes their own hardware and it mostly comes in ONE flavor (well technically three flavors that are merely different varieties of the same flavor - vanilla).... As such it is very easy to develop for the phone, because "the phone" is a known factor in the equation, everyone knows what hardware it's going to be running.

But if you want Chocolate, or Cookie Dough... well thats too bad, since Apple is the only folks that make it and they have chosen to make Vanilla only. Enter Google. Good news: anyone can make the hardware, so you'll see submissions from HTC, Motorola, Samsung, etc.... Do you want a physical keyboard? Different camera? Smaller phone? Larger phone? Cheaper phone? NO PROBLEM! You can get any flavor of ice cream you want, from the classic chocolate all the way up to Rocky Road and a dairy-free soy ginger.

And there's where the problems appear: Some apps are allergic to nuts. What worked great with the chocolate........ sent you to the ER with the Rocky Road. And other apps handle nuts fine, but are allergic to ginger. Back to the ER we go.

This "fragmentation" of different options means that for the developers whose apps are inherently allergic to nuts or ginger or whatnot, they then have to figure out how to modify the app to account for that specific issue. As the number of Android handsets grows, so does the number of available flavors and the complexity of the food allergies facing android developers.

That's the simple version. There's plenty of things that "could" be done to help alleviate that problem (but it would NEVER eliminate it)... but since I can say with fair certainty that it will NOT happen that way.... All I can say is comes with the territory. If you want choice in your ice ream flavors, you're going to have to put up with the food allergies or switch to Vanilla.

I hate Vanilla...and Apple for that matter.
Your silly little opinion has been noted!
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