Originally Posted by Resipsa
Was just reading that Andrew. But..........
I was interested and a little disappointed to read that apparently Google has already developed a new version of android for their own device, so soon after the Droid was released. I hope this doesn't mean that in the future they keep the newest and best for themselves, 'cause that's a pretty crappy business practice.
2) Yet another version of Android? So early on the fragmentation of this OS is very alarming to me.
maybe I missed that article, but from my brief reading I think thats incorrect. To the best of my knowledge, Nexus 1 is running Android 2.1 which is not a different version of the OS on the droid, its just the
latest version of it. The Moto Droid is slated to get the same thing in an update very soon (and certain folks who like to live dangerously have already done it themselves, but its not recommended).
Where are you reading that the OS's are going in different directions?