Thread: LOST Notes
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Old 01-04-2010, 12:51 PM   #246
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Default Re: LOST Notes

With only a few weeks left before the final season begins, I thought I'd give Bao's thread a bump!

To add to ComicCon info above, here's an interesting tidbit I found:

Season Six is the first and only season of Lost to not feature any kind of preview or official promotional material (such as sneak peeks and promo pictures for future episodes.) The Lost producers consider any scene from the first few episodes to be too revealing. According to Lindelof, "even a single scene from the show would basically tip what it is we're doing this year, and what it is we're doing this year is different than what we've done in other years."

Should make reviewing & analyzing this year's episodes very enjoyable--and time consuming! Looking forward to it!

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