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Old 12-29-2009, 07:16 AM   #175
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Default Re: CA Fantasy Football

Congratz to our first and second place teams,

JC's PowderPuffGirls - Beeradvocate
The Prozac Jacks - Gtsetgo

I will need addresses for you both to send out winnings. I have a few other things to drop in the mail this weekend, and I will need to sort through the pot. I should get them out Saturday.

I will post pics of each winner's haul before I send them out, since I am included in the split at third place. With 12 players and 5 cigar buy-in each, the pot is 60 cigars. I didn't specify before we started exactly how they would be divided, but I figured 30/20/10 would be fair.
Formerly Malik23
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