Thread: Puros
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Old 11-14-2008, 08:17 PM   #14
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Default Re: Puros

I can tell you this for sure, however, I cannot find any supportive documentation at this time!!!

Puro is a Spanish word, and with respect to cigars, the original meaning of a puro cigar, was any cigar that was hand made, from pure long tobacco leaf, from any country.

In the 1950's or 60's, the meaning/definition began to change, and after a decade or two, the new definition became the rule of thumb, so to speak. That new definition was that a puro cigar, is a cigar that was hand made, in a specific country, with pure long tobacco leaf, that was grown within that specific country.
A real man only needs Seven things in his life, Cigars, Women, Guns, Whiskey, Beer, Beans & Bacon!
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