David, the main thing I want to know is:
How much coffee did you have before posting this?

Is this post allergin free? I only care about gluten and soy.

Were any boogers or beetles harmed during the smoking of your cigar?
Seriously, the buzz. I can't really recall getting a buzz from a cigar recently. I smoke them primarily for the taste and for the sense of relaxation (body, soul, mind). I generally like to have something in my stomach before I touch any cigar because they tend to hit me harder on an empty stomach.
As far as why you might get hit harder sometimes, it could have to do with many factors...what you have in your stomach, what type of cigar you're smoking, how tired you are, etc....
My first buzz story happened back in undergrad. I was clerking at my Mom's law firm for the summer and there was a paralegal who loved cigars. On his last day, the firm gave him a box of some locally rolled sticks as a going away present. After a lengthy discussion about cigars (I had never had one), he gifted me two - so I could smoke one with a buddy. Well, later that night my body had it's first infusion of nicotine. My buddy and I power smoked those things. We had no idea that they should be smoked slowly and not dragged like a cigarette. Well, mid way thru, I started to feel 'good.' Then 'good' led to 'buzzed,' which led to 'I'm feeling kind of funky.' I quickly tossed the cigar and headed home. I spent the next hour and a half on the couch trying to stop the spins. That was my last cigar.
Until I learned how to smoke.