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Old 12-22-2009, 12:49 PM   #140
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Buying a new laptop- Apple?

I just realized, Apple will survive just with me alone.

iPod Nano - no video
iPod Nano - video
iPod touch (first generation)

Dreaming of moving up to a MacBook Pro 17", once I am done paying my current one on "same as cash" and can find another similar "same as cash" offer.
Waiting on the 4G iPhone to upgrade.
I'd buy a car if they sold one.
Just bought a lawnmower or otherwise would be interested in one from them also.

Forgot to mention, the iPod touch is my 2.5 year old grandson's. I figured I would taint his opinion early on to our side. He uses it all the time. Knows his way around all his applications. Awesome tool with flash card games for him to learn. Apple, so easy even a 2.5 year old can use it. I want to hear Bill Gates say that about Microsoft.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian

Last edited by Blueface; 12-22-2009 at 12:57 PM.
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