Originally Posted by 357
I'm sure all the beta max owners felt the same way. Beta max claimed to be better, smaller, etc. At first it held its niche market. Soon less and less titles were released on beta max. It wasn't long after that it became obvious; the world had deemed it irrelevant..
At some point you will need Windows. Most likely it'll be some appliction or game you want that isn't offered for Macs. Then you get to try and figure out how to use some emulator or dual-boot option. See how easy that "just works" or how intuitive it is. I will never need to emulate Mac OS X because every app I could ever possible want or need runs on Windows. I'm sure this is true of 99-100% of Windows users. I wonder what percentage of Mac users have to put their techie hat on to figure out how to emulate Windows? From their own admission it sounds like at least half of the Mac users who've been posting in this thread have had to at some point.
This is just one of the pains of using an OS that the world has deemed irrelevent. Remeber the virus argument? To expand that line of thinking, why bother writing your application/game twice only to reach an additional 7% of the market? These kind of things become apparent to the software companies, especially in a recession.
Beta was a better format, much better picture than VHS. The fact that the world found the format irrelevant doesn't mean it was inferior. Mercedes, BMW, Audi etc. have relatively small market shares. Since the world is made up of mostly followers, the last factor I would use to make a decision about what's best is the opinion of the masses. People often choose low cost over quality, that's why there are $29 dvd players and $1 cigars. I prefer to choose the best combination of quality and cost that fits my budget - I'd rather have less but better stuff than massive quantities of cheap stuff. Cheaper or more widely used simply doesn't equal "better".
Originally Posted by 357
BTW, Merry Christmas! I hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am.
I am.