Originally Posted by 357
At some point you will need Windows. Most likely it'll be some appliction or game you want that isn't offered for Macs. Then you get to try and figure out how to use some emulator or dual-boot option. See how easy that "just works" or how intuitive it is. I will never need to emulate Mac OS X because every app I could ever possible want or need runs on Windows. I'm sure this is true of 99-100% of Windows users. I wonder what percentage of Mac users have to put their techie hat on to figure out how to emulate Windows? From their own admission it sounds like at least half of the Mac users who've been posting in this thread have had to at some point.
I use both every day. Actually, I use 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, XP, Vista, and Win 7 almost every day. The only reason I've ever "needed" Windows is for compiling/testing for work.
Macs are easier to use and have less problems. If you ever do "need" windows, VMWare Fusion is very easy to use and is a great product.
As far as running OSX on non-Apple hardware, first of all it is illegal. But even ignoring that, it's not going to give you two finger scrolling