Originally Posted by 357
I love the virus argument. Let's explore that one. According to the stats here:
Apple's market share gains levelled off at a whopping 7.4%. WOW.
According to the sources quoted here:
Microsoft owns 91% of the OS market share.
Now lets consider motives.
Q: What is the primary motive for writing viruses and spyware?
A: To cause either chaos (viruses) or to make money (market research statistics forwarded to a central point, or via theft/fraud)
Q: Why would someone go through the trouble of writing code for these complex applications (virus/spyware) for a platform that only affects 7.4% of the market?
A: Good question. Primarily they don't.
Ummm, ok, let's explore:
So the *reason* that Mac users don't have to hassle with viruses, and virus protection is somehow relevant?
Customer: Wow, macs aren't peppered with viruses and malware all the time, and I don't need to buy all that crap to load up the machine! I'll get one of those!
Salesman: No, no, don't do that. Windows has a much larger marketshare, so that excuses the viruses. You'll love running scans all the time, knowing that your machine is a more attractive target! You silly boy!